Make the Most of Food Challenge - Earth Month 2021 - Are You In?

Our Washington, DC dynamic partner, Recycle Leaders, has organized and launched a fun, inclusive, and relevant way to commemorate Earth Month - Make the Most of Food challenge! By Thursday, April 1, sign up to remotely join teams representing schools and organizations from across the country to "Make the Most of Food" together for Earth Month 2021.
During the 4-week civic action challenge, teams of households will track what, why, and how much food is discarded in a week and then take actions together that can improve nutrition, save money, and reduce waste. According to Project Drawdown, reducing food waste is the #1 climate change solution and the only one of the top 3 that we can easily do at home.
Sign up now! Watch the training video and check out the guidance documents in this link for more information to learn everything you need to know to lead the Challenge.
Hats off to Recycle Leaders and the Audubon Naturalist Society for initiating this meaningful action! The Challenge is based on EPA's Food too Good to Waste toolkit and informed by lessons learned from our Team Up on Food Waste @ DC Wards 7 and 8 action research project funded by Sustainable DC (check out our blog here for more details on that project). Finally, thanks to the DC Office of State Superintendent of Education for their funding.
